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Tourism & Forum: Building a positive and sustainable brand identity for Cambodia

Exploiting Cambodia's potential: a collaborative vision through the prism of La Francophonie will be the theme of the ‘Cambodia Branding Forum’ to be held on 11 July 2024 at Connexion (Koh Pich). An initiative of Millennium Destinations.

Exploiter le potentiel du Cambodge : une vision collaborative à travers le prisme de la Francophonie, tel sera le thème du « Cambodia Branding Forum » qui aura lieu le 11 juillet 2024 à Connexion (Koh Pich). Une initiative de Millennium Destinations.

In today's interconnected global landscape, a nation's economic and diplomatic success is intimately linked to its ability to differentiate itself in a competitive and positive manner. Cambodia, with its untapped potential as a tourism and investment hub, is at a pivotal moment. To unlock this potential, we need to foster powerful synergies and cultivate strategic international partnerships.

Local branding is a powerful tool in this endeavour. The aim is to create a unique, distinctive and captivating identity for Cambodia that effectively showcases its assets and makes it a sustainable and inclusive destination that creates value for all.

Using this approach, the aim is to cultivate a coherent and attractive image that resonates with a variety of audiences, whether investors, tourists or Cambodian citizens.

Campagne à Siem Reap. Photo CG
Siem Reap. Photo CG

Economic diplomacy is another crucial aspect, involving a strategic set of actions to promote Cambodia's economic interests abroad. It encompasses various tools such as export promotion, attracting foreign direct investment and promoting international cooperation.

Following the success of the first Cambodia Branding Forum held on 28 March 2024, this special edition aims to take the forum to new heights. The aim is to bring together experts and change agents, all united by a common vision: to establish a sustainable positive brand identity for Cambodia.

Kampot. photo CG
Kampot. photo CG

As Cambodia aspires to host the 2026 Francophonie Summit, this edition will draw on the unique strengths and experiences of the Francophonie community. It will facilitate a rich exchange of ideas from the perspective of La Francophonie, enriching our collective efforts to brand Cambodia.

Forum objectives

Strengthen Francophone branding expertise with La Francophonie: participants will gain a better understanding of destination branding and marketing within La Francophonie, enabling them to implement effective strategies.

Unifying the voice of La Francophonie: the forum will stimulate discussions to identify opportunities for collaboration between country branding and public diplomacy efforts within La Francophonie, leading to a more unified approach to the promotion of member states.

Unlocking economic and tourism potential: by strengthening partnerships between Cambodia and other member states, the forum aims to open up new avenues for economic, cultural and tourism development across La Francophonie.


Agenda ( tentative )

  • 8:30 - 9:00 Registration and networking

  • 9:00 - 9:10 Welcome, presentation of objectives, agenda and forum participants

  • 9:10 - 9:30 Remarks by officials

  • 9:30 - 10:00: Keynote presentation on place marketing and branding by Frédéric Tambon, tourism industry and economic development expert - Founder and CEO of Society and Fred, Destination Marketing and Economic Development and former Director of Atout France, the French tourism development agency, in South Korea and Switzerland | Q & A

  • 10:00 - 10:45 a.m.: Round table discussion on the theme ‘Fostering the Francophonie: Collaborative strategies to present Cambodia as a dynamic and sustainable destination within a dynamic cultural and economic space’.

  • 10:45 - 11 am Interaction with the audience

  • 11:00 - 11:10 Conclusion and closing remarks

  • 11:10 ~ Networking

Panellists (4-5)

Frédéric Tambon, Jacques Guichandut, official representative of the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism for Belgium, France, Monaco and Switzerland, responsible for the ‘Destination Cambodia’ campaign.


Catherine Germier-Hamel, Founder and CEO of Millennium Destinations

Nikolas Hatz, Founder, IDG Global Tourism Network, Expert en développement touristique


The Cambodia Branding Forum - Francophonie Edition offers a unique platform to strengthen ties between Cambodia and OIF members, and to explore opportunities for cooperation in territorial branding and economic diplomacy. By working together, we can realise Cambodia's full potential as a competitive and attractive destination on the world stage.

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