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Tourism: Cambodia sees 41.5% rise in Chinese tourist arrivals in first 4 months of 2024

The number of Chinese tourists arriving in Cambodia in the first four months of 2024 rose 41.5 % year-on-year, according to a report released yesterday by the Ministry of Tourism.

A total of 260,455 Chinese holidaymakers travelled to the Southeast Asian country from January to April this year, up 41.5 % from 184,009 in the same period in 2023.
A total of 260,455 Chinese holidaymakers travelled to the Southeast Asian country from January to April this year, up 41.5 % from 184,009 in the same period in 2023.

Chinese tourists accounted for 12.3 % of Cambodia's total international tourist arrivals. It added that the Kingdom received 2.11 million foreign visitors in the first four months of this year, up more than 22 %t from 1.72 million international guests in the same period in 2023.

China is the third largest source of foreign tourists to the Kingdom after Thailand and Vietnam. With the launch of the 2024 Cambodia-China Year of People-to-People Exchange in January, Cambodian Tourism Minister Sok Soken expects the number of Chinese tourists to the country to continue to rise.

"The future of Cambodian tourism is inextricably linked to the influx of Chinese tourists and investors," he said.

Recognising the strategic partnership between Cambodia and China, many countries around the world, including Cambodia, view China as an important source of market for their economic growth and development.


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