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Press & Media : Cambodia and China whish to strengthen media cooperation through AKP and Xinhua

Cambodia's state-owned news agency, the Agence Kampuchea Presse (AKP), and China's state-owned news agency, Xinhua, whish to deepen their media cooperation, “in order to enhance understanding between the two countries”.

The meeting emphasised good cooperation between the two news agencies, contributing to promoting more understanding between their citizens.

Both sides agreed to bring their bilateral cooperation to a new high. At the meeting, the AKP director general praised Xinhua’s support in terms of spiritual, material and technical assistance and urged for further cooperation to enhance AKP’s capacity through sharing experiences and conducting training programmes.

“Xinhua’s assistance serves as a model of good friendship between Cambodia and China. We expect the two parties to strengthen their bilateral ties to further promote mutual understanding between the two countries’ people,” she said.

In his remarks, H.E. Lyu Yansong lauded the excellent cooperation between Xinhua and AKP, emphasizing that it has significantly contributed to strengthening the relationship between the two nations.

“We want to expand cooperation between Xinhua and AKP to practical news cooperation to build trust between the Chinese and Cambodian people,” he stated.

Both countries have seen increased cooperation in various sectors, including trade, infrastructure development, and cultural exchange.

According to the two parties, “the deepened cooperation between AKP and Xinhua is a clear positive development for both Cambodia and China. It unambiguously signifies their commitment to fostering closer ties and promoting a more informed understanding between their citizens”.

Both sides also discussed projects on joint coverage work in China and Cambodia. They focused mainly on their culture, custom and traditions as well as tourism, in order to build more understanding between the two peoples.

H.E. Lyu Yansong has invited an AKP high-level delegation to join the 6th World Media Summit in Xinjiang province, China in October and pay an official visit to China at an appropriate time.

Minister of Information of Cambodia H.E. Neth Pheaktra has also welcomed and highly valued the good relations and cooperation between the two news agencies.

Both sides shared the same idea over the key role played by the media, especially AKP and Xinhua, in protecting the relationship and interest of the two countries and enhancing the understanding between the two peoples.

“In the current booming trend of social media, fake news is disseminated widely. Therefore, the education and management of the public opinion are very necessary by feeding the public with true and fast information,” H.E. Neth Pheaktra said.

H.E. Minister also laid stress on the ministry’s goal to turn AKP into an active, proactive and interactive media institution with quality and effectiveness. He therefore hoped that Xinhua will continue to assist AKP in capacity building.

H.E. Lyu Yansong thanked H.E. Neth Pheaktra for the warm welcome and briefed him on the outcome of his bilateral meeting with H.E. Mrs. Sokmom Nimul, Director General of AKP.

A ten-member Xinhua delegation led by H.E. Lyu Yansong is on a three-day working visit to Cambodia since May 31. The Agence Kampuchea Presse (AKP) and Chinese News Agency Xinhua have renewed their Agreement on News Exchange Cooperation in February 2023 in Beijing.

With AKP


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