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Open Mind Podcast: “Exploring Cambodia with open minds and open conversations”

In production since December 2023 at Analog Asia studio, the Open Mind Podcast, hosted by Adu Sam Jnr and Priscilla Kim Ong is finally seeing its launch on global platforms.

Open Mind Podcast: “Exploring Cambodia with open minds and open conversations”

It all started with a fact. The fact that in comparison to its neighbouring countries, it is little known that Cambodia is home to incredible modern cultural richness and creative minds getting together. Indeed, some of these actors, whether they are Cambodian or foreigners, have been greatly into supporting communities all around Cambodia. “This is the wider aim of Open Mind Podcast” explained Sam, co-host of the podcast. “We want to reach people outside the country who might be seeing little to nothing from the country. There are great dynamics going on in Cambodia, it’s not just a poor developing country anymore.”

“We want people in the world to know what the future is going to look like in Cambodia” continued Priscilla, the other co-host.

“It doesn’t mean it’s all going to be positive and flowery, the guests we invited are respected and renowned critics in their own field. A little bit of controversy doesn’t hurt, that’s why we named our podcast Open Mind.”

The first season of Open Mind is having a total of 12 Episodes, released every 2 weeks. The first one is online since Sunday 2 June 2024, with Sokai Yoon, as a guest, “your Internet Bong”, streaming on Spotify, Apple, YouTube and all other podcast platforms.

Open Mind Podcast: “Exploring Cambodia with open minds and open conversations”

Sokai, a Khmer-Krom American visual artist, explains how he went from Atlanta’s gang life to one of the most prestigious design schools in the USA, and since then trying to teach young Khmers the beauty of the graphic design art. During this first episode, he also shares his critical views on the Cambodian art scene, the music and the Cambodian educative system.

Who can we expect amongst the guests?

“Anyone that had impactful support to their own industries, whether they are culturally involved into street art, music, movies or else” said Sam.

“Guests who brought positive change amongst their fields!” added Priscilla.

Next episode has been released on Sunday 16 June 2024, with Rean Thort as guest, a Cambodian podcaster and influencer, whom is sharing about various industries sectors and ways to build a business in Cambodia. The third one will see Tharoth Sam sharing her experience as a renowned Bokator (Khmer boxing) fighter and how she empowers women to embrace their strength.

Open Mind Podcast: “Exploring Cambodia with open minds and open conversations”

They both agree to say it is not possible to have every incredible mind in a 12 episodes season, so you can already expect a Season 2, and guests spots are filling up fast. “We can’t wait to see the impacts Open Mind will have; we are overwhelmed by positive feedbacks so far. The interest has only been building and I’m proud to participate into efforts to bring my country onto the world’s map.” concluded Priscilla.


Follow Open Mind Podcast socials

YouTube: Open Mind Podcast

Facebook: Open Mind Podcast

Instagram: @openmind.pod

TikTok: openmind.pod

Website: to be launched soon


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