Queen Indradevi played a key role in the history of the Khmer Empire, where she came to the throne following her marriage to King Jayavarman VII, who ruled from 1181 to 1219.

Beautiful, very beautiful, as evidenced by the bas-reliefs in the Bayon temple showing a queen with cat-like eyes, abundant lips and finely drawn features, the young queen was also described as intelligent and cultured, and the king never sought to minimise her influence on affairs of state, particularly for her work on behalf of young girls and women. For her extensive knowledge of Sanskrit and her sense of dedication, Jayavarman VII put her in charge of three Buddhist universities.
His contribution to the management of state affairs is remarkable, particularly in the promotion of Buddhism throughout the Kingdom. As a learned member of the royal family, Indradevi was not content with her royal duties, but also distinguished herself as a poet and teacher, revealing the extent of her commitment to governance and culture.
Born into an elite kshatriya lineage, Indradevi was the elder sister of Queen Jayarajadevi, the first wife of Jayavarman VII. Both sisters received a Buddhist education, which played a crucial role in their lives and reign.
Indradevi is credited with comforting her sister in times of distress by sharing Buddhist philosophies with her, helping to instil a sense of peace and tranquillity.

Her union with Jayavarman VII, a landmark event in Khmer history, saw the emergence of a stronger religious commitment, with an emphasis on Buddhist precepts and practices. Indradevi's contributions were not limited to her royal duties; she also played an active role in the cultural and educational fields, encouraging literacy and learning throughout the kingdom.
Queen Indradevi also proved adept at managing the country's affairs when her husband went off to wage war in southern Laos, Burma or to the Malaysian peninsula to expand the kingdom.
She organised working meetings, took decisions to implement the king's directives, reminded those in charge of the monarch's great ambitions and the empire-building programmes, which included monuments, but also infrastructure and social programmes.
This dual role, combining royal functions and intellectual leadership, underlines the importance of this emblematic figure in shaping the spiritual and cultural landscape of the Khmer Empire at the time.
Indradevi's contributions to education are particularly noteworthy, as evidenced by her leadership of three temple schools after her sister's death: Nagendratunge, Tilakottare and Narendraśrama. These institutions played an essential role in the education of young women and girls from the elite, with an emphasis on Buddhist doctrine and other sciences. Indradevi's commitment to education underlined her belief in the importance of knowledge and literacy.
Indradevi also composed literary works that celebrated her husband's reign and reflected the cultural richness of the Khmer Empire. Her contributions bear witness to her intelligence and cultured nature, and Indradevi's attention to women's education was groundbreaking for her time. She ensured that young girls received an education, enabling them to emancipate themselves in a male-dominated society.
Indradevi's legacy is closely linked to that of King Jayavarman VII, as the two rulers worked together to improve the empire's architectural and cultural achievements. Their reign marked a period of prosperity and enlightenment for Khmer civilisation, exerting a significant influence on Southeast Asia. Many historians point out that the Khmer king could not have achieved his vast projects without Queen Indradevi, and also Queen Jayarajadevi, at his side. They helped him to organise and manage his empire, for which the already elderly king - he was 61 when he came to the throne - seemed obsessed with building an exemplary kingdom through great architectural achievements, military conquests and social programmes.
Numerous historical works emphasise the importance of the influence of the two sisters on the monarch and the work that the royal trio accomplished for the well-being of their subjects, with a slight preference for Indradevi because of her devotion to women. Through these achievements, Queen Indradevi not only influenced her immediate environment, but also left a lasting mark on Cambodian history and culture.
Centuries later, the legacy is still there, with the Bayon sculptures showing visitors the gentle, peaceful smile of the monarch and his two wives. The abundance of sculptures of Jayavarman VII's face could appear to the uninitiated as narcissism, or even megalomania, when in fact it may simply be a desire to convey the great conqueror's message of peace and tranquillity...
Jayavarman VII died around 1215, aged over 90 at the time. The date of Indradevi's death is nowhere to be found...
Indradevi was not only the enlightened wife of the monarch, she was also an authentic poet, the final romantic touch to the portrait of a woman of great vision and exception. Some of her writings in Sanskrit, in praise of her beloved sovereign, were found on a stele at Phimeanakas in Siem Reap province.
Here is a translation:
In the city called Temple of Patience, in the city of Ancient Eloquence,
and finally in the city of Angkor, this Brahmin girl of royal rank became the beloved of King Jayavarman.
With her head bowed over the king's raised feet, she approached the Ganges, whose fallen feet rested on the head of Shiva.
Among lovers who loved to learn, she spread the king's favours, beautiful nectars in the form of learning.
Wise by nature, a polymath, perfectly pure, dedicated to King Jayavarman, having composed this pure paean to the detriment of all other arts, she shone.
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