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Health & Food: Fill up on vitamins with moringa soup from the Malis restaurant

Updated: Jul 31

Moringa is a real ‘super food’, renowned for its many powers to revive and strengthen the body’s natural defences.

Soupe au moringa du restaurant Malis
Soupe au moringa du restaurant Malis

One of Malis’s flagship dishes, the delicate but delicious and nutritious Moringa Soup is prepared with pumpkin consommé and leaves from the Moringa tree to create a light and healthy vegetarian starter packed with protein, minerals, vitamins, fibre and antioxidants. Moringa is a genuine superfood, renowned for its many powers to revive and strengthen the body’s natural defences.

Native to India, Moringa, also known as the “miracle tree” and “mother’s best friend”, is now one of the most widely cultivated trees in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, thanks to its resistance to drought. The tree is an important source of food in developing countries where malnutrition is a concern. In addition, it is currently being extensively studied for its potential as a ‘functional food’, i.e. one of those foods whose benefits go beyond nutrition and can play a role in reducing or minimising the risk of certain diseases and other health problems.

Almost every part of the tree, including the root, bark, seeds, flowers, pods, seed oil, leaves and resin, has potential for food, agricultural or industrial use. It’s not surprising that many consider this tree to be the most useful in the world. However, it is the bright green, ovoid leaves that seem to offer the best protective and antioxidant properties.

Illustrations Malis & Pexels


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