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France & Cambodia: Ministerial Visit of WAT4CAM and RID4CAM Infrastructure Projects

An interministerial delegation led by H.E. Mr. THOR Chetha, Minister of Water Resources and Meteorology, accompanied by a delegation of European development partners led by H.E. Jacques PELLET, Ambassador of France to Cambodia, visited Battambang.

The visit celebrated over 27 years of collaboration between the AFD and the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology of Cambodia (MoWRAM), which has equipped more than 55,000 ha with irrigation networks, mainly in the central plains of the Great Lake. Nearly €130 million in funding from the AFD and the EU has been allocated to support irrigation infrastructure in Cambodia and the development of sustainable agriculture in these areas.

During the visit, the delegation exchanged with various stakeholders and project beneficiaries, particularly water user associations and farming communities. Mrs. YANN Srey Yat, President of the Battambang Union of Agricultural Cooperatives (BUAC), testified to the strong involvement of farmers in dialogue with provincial authorities and MoWRAM officials in implementing the program.

Development partners praised the close coordination between MoWRAM, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), and the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) present during this mission. This coordination is essential for effective and sustainable water resource management for the benefit of the population. All stakeholders highlighted the importance of developing more resilient infrastructure to the effects of climate change and ensuring sustainable natural resource management.

About the projects


The WAT4CAM irrigation network development program aims to promote sustainable agriculture and water resource management on 15,000 ha to stimulate the rural economy and family farming. Supporting the production of fragrant, organic, or SRP high-quality rice by the BUAC and rehabilitating rural roads in Battambang province is part of AFD's long-term strategy in Cambodia for sustainable rural territory development. This program benefited from an AFD loan of €75 million and an EU grant of €11.5 million implemented by AFD.


The RID4CAM project aims to finance the improvement of the road network in the central plains of Cambodia, characterized by high population density and increased vulnerability to climate change impacts. This project also includes the construction of complementary infrastructure in drinking water and sanitation, agriculture, health, and education sectors, while strengthening the capacities of local actors. This project is co-financed by KfW, AFD, and the European Union, with the following contributions:

  • KfW: €37.1 million in loans and grants

  • AFD: €50 million in loans

  • EU: €8.73 million in grants

"Thanks to the improvement of irrigation infrastructure financed by the WAT4CAM program, access to water is secured for two or even three rice production cycles per year. The agro-ecological or regenerative agriculture practices promoted by the program have enabled BUAC to recently obtain the Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) certification. With this label, farmers will benefit from a higher price for certified rice through a contractual farming scheme with Amru Rice Mill," stated Mrs. YANN Srey Yat, President of BUAC.

"France, through AFD, is actively and historically committed to agricultural development in Cambodia, financing irrigation projects and supporting the rice sector to increase production, improve export, and strengthen resilience to climate change with the support of CIRAD experts. This long-standing commitment is illustrated today by the continuous and strengthened cooperation between Cambodian, French, and European actors," emphasized H.E. Jacques PELLET, Ambassador of France to Cambodia.

"AFD has supported Battambang since 2005, first by supporting irrigation development projects, then by contributing to financing rural road rehabilitation and strengthening the city's drinking water and sanitation treatment capacities. We are proud and happy with this historic and successful cooperation with the Cambodian authorities, which we wish to continue in the coming years to strengthen the resilience of territories to climate change and ensure sustainable access to water to contribute to Cambodia's economic development for the benefit of all citizens of the Kingdom," added Mr. Jean-Pierre Marcelli, Regional Director of Southeast Asia at AFD.

"Investments in sustainable infrastructure capable of facing climate change are essential, and Team Europe jointly invests in Cambodia to realize these projects. I am pleased to join H.E. Minister Thor Chetha and his delegation, alongside the French Ambassador and AFD colleagues, to review the progress of our investments in irrigation canals and rural road rehabilitation for economic development and improving farmers' livelihoods," said Mr. Bryan Fornari, Head of Cooperation at the EU Delegation to Cambodia.


About AFD

The French Development Agency (AFD) implements France's policy on development and international solidarity. Through its public sector and NGO financing activities, research work and publications (AFD Editions), training on sustainable development (AFD Campus), and awareness-raising in France, it finances, supports, and accelerates transitions towards a more just and resilient world. We build shared solutions with our partners, with and for the people of the South. Our teams are involved in more than 4,000 projects on the ground, in the Overseas Territories, in 115 countries, and in crisis areas, for common goods – climate, biodiversity, peace, gender equality, education, and health. We thus contribute to France's and the French people's commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For a common world. AFD began its operations in Cambodia in 1993 and has mobilized over €152 million in financing to support Cambodia in its territorial, ecological, and social transitions. AFD - Cambodia.

About the European Union

The European Union (EU) plays a significant role in diplomacy and strives to promote stability, security, prosperity, democracy, fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law internationally. The EU is the world's largest trading bloc and the largest global exporter of manufactured goods and services, the largest import market for over 100 countries, and the second destination for Cambodian exports. The EU and its 27 Member States (Team Europe) are the largest providers of development aid, with more than 50% of global aid and working in partnership with developing countries to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In Cambodia, Team Europe is the second-largest provider of development aid and the largest for grants.


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