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France Cambodia 2024 Business Forum: Oknha Kith Meng, "We can benefit from France's excellent expertise"

According to the participants at the press conference held at the French Embassy on 28 June 2024, the 2nd France-Cambodia Business Forum is expected to "attract considerable interest from French investors in several key sectors". A unique feature of this business forum is the presence of businessman Oknha Kith Meng, CEO of the Royal Group and President of the Cambodian Chamber of Commerce.

Cambodian enthusiasm

Oknha Kith Meng, a strong supporter of the event and present at the press conference, echoed the enthusiasm of the forum organisers, highlighting with great interest "the growing improvement in trade relations between the two nations".

The Cambodian businessman also spoke of "the interest shown by a number of French investors in the Kingdom's growth sectors and the strengthening of diplomatic ties between the two countries, which, he said, were undoubtedly paving the way for great opportunities". Mr Meng also emphasised that the solid relations between France and Cambodia had been supported for many years by King Norodom Sihamoni and the former and current Prime Ministers.

"Trade is also a key pillar of the relationship between our two countries, and I am confident that the volume of trade between our two countries will increase this year," he said.

"France offers excellent expertise in the agriculture and electricity sectors. What we expect from this event are new investment projects and the continuity of ongoing projects.” he underlined.

In conclusion, the President of the Cambodian Chamber of Commerce said he was "more than happy to support the event with the CCIFC and the foreign trade advisors, and is convinced that with the support of the French Embassy, this forum will become a solid mechanism for increasing trade, in line with the government's strong desire to attract foreign direct investment".

A strategic and essential event

The French ambassador to Cambodia, Jacques Pellet, pointed out that this forum, which takes place every two years, was already a strategic and essential event for strengthening bilateral economic ties between the two countries.

"We have investment proposals for Cambodia in the electricity and agriculture sectors", he said during the press conference.

In addition, "for nearly two years now, we have seen a renewed dynamism in bilateral relations with successive visits to France by the highest Cambodian leaders, the most recent of which was Prime Minister Hun Manet's visit on 18 and 19 January 2024.

"During this visit, seven memorandums of understanding were signed in key sectors such as energy, infrastructure and distribution, illustrating a new era of cooperation between France and Cambodia. These agreements also reflect the royal government's commitment to promoting private sector development.”

Wide range of sectors

"The business forum will bring together members of the French business community in Cambodia, as well as representatives of French companies operating in the region, who are keen to learn more about the Cambodian market", explained Cyril Girot, President of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Cambodia.

He also pointed out that the meeting would cover a wide range of sectors, including construction and infrastructure, digital technologies, health, energy, urban planning, tourism, logistics, transport, agriculture, agri-food, sustainable development and the environment.

"The figures for economic relations between the two countries demonstrate the dynamism of the Franco-Cambodian partnership, which benefits businesses in both countries and contributes to Cambodia's economic development. The forum aims to act as a genuine catalyst for new bilateral collaborations, for the benefit of the sustainable development of both partners", he emphasised.

Reminder - Business Forum 2024

During the Forum, thematic workshops will address the Cambodian government's priorities and policies in key sectors such as infrastructure and logistics, agri-food and agriculture, health and energy. These sessions will be led by ministerial officials. B2B and B2G sessions will also provide opportunities for networking and partnerships between companies and with government authorities.

The programme will also include presentations on the Kingdom's economic and legal outlook, as well as public and private financing. Round tables will provide an opportunity to discuss in detail opportunities in priority sectors such as tourism, digital, distribution, construction, health, energy, agriculture, logistics and transport, and the environment.

Finally, the third day of the Forum will take place in Sihanoukville to give participants the opportunity to discover key economic sites and meet government representatives. This France-Cambodia 2024 Business Forum aims to be a catalyst for new bilateral economic collaborations, for the benefit of the sustainable development of both countries.

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