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Event: The French Embassy opens its gardens for Heritage Day

After welcoming a record 5,300 visitors last year, the French Embassy in Cambodia will once again open its doors to the public on Saturday, September 21, 2024 from 8am to 4pm.

Visitors will be able to discover or rediscover the Embassy's buildings steeped in history and its lush grounds. Covering an area of 4.7 hectares, this preserved green space in Phnom Penh is home to exceptional biodiversity: 200 trees of over 50 different species and a large number of animal species, including some 30 bird species, monkeys, muntjacs and numerous insects. The tour also takes in the former Embassy gate, which was in place when Phnom Penh fell in April 1975, nearly 50 years ago.

Last but not least, visitors will be able to see a photo exhibition on the Embassy's wall on Monivong Boulevard, featuring Cambodian breakdance, as breakdance was one of the disciplines at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Entry is free and no registration is required, but due to the high number of visitors, queuing to access the Embassy premises could happen, particularly in the morning. Large bags and dangerous objects are not permitted. We recommend that you bring water and suitable footwear for the course in the park.

Initiated in 1985 by France, the European Heritage Days are now celebrated in over 50 countries. In Cambodia, other remarkable historical buildings will also be opening their doors to the public on September 21: the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC), which will be taking part in the event for the first time, as well as the UNESCO office, the Royal University of Fine Arts and the Conservation d'Angkor in Siem Reap. Schedules and visiting arrangements are set by each institution.

Full details are available on the Embassy's Facebook page:

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Cet événement à l'ambassade de France semble fascinant ! L'idée d'explorer les jardins luxuriants et les bâtiments historiques de Phnom Penh, combinée à la possibilité de voir des espèces rares et une exposition unique de photos de breakdance, est une excellente façon de célébrer la Journée du patrimoine. Il est étonnant que ces espaces soient ouverts au public pour des expériences aussi immersives. En parlant d'expériences uniques, si vous aimez les paris et que vous cherchez une plateforme fiable, je vous recommande vivement de consulter . Leur site propose d'excellentes prédictions et stratégies qui pourraient vous aider à améliorer votre réussite en matière de paris.

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