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Cambodia & the Arts: NomadiX Art Tour organises workshops and exhibitions throughout the Kingdom

The NomadiX Art Tour, which promotes "art, community and the environment", is once again touring the Kingdom with a series of major exhibitions, including one in Kampong Cham at the end of this year and another in Phnom Penh in 2025.

NomadiX Art Tour organise des ateliers et des expositions dans tout le Royaume

Co-organised by the art collective "tiSamjort", the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) and the Anicca Foundation, with financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the exhibitions will showcase works created during workshops held in three provinces. They will include visual art exhibitions, cultural performances and interactive sessions, highlighting the creative expression of local artists and workshop participants from the provinces of Kratie, Stung Treng and Kampong Cham.

Marina Pok (Anicca Foundation), project coordinator, emphasises the essential role of the tour in celebrating creativity and community spirit, while raising awareness of environmental issues through the power of art. Traditional Khmer performances such as classical dance, shadow puppetry and L'khaon Bassac will also provide an immersive cultural experience.

"Participants will also have the opportunity to engage in direct dialogue with the artists, discover their creative journey and take part in discussions on the themes of environmental preservation and artistic heritage," explain the organisers.
Ce projet « Art, communauté et environnement » permet à quatre jeunes artistes féminines — dont certaines ont déjà participé aux éditions précédentes de Nomadix — de rencontrer des artistes locaux, des responsables de communautés, des résidents et des stagiaires bénévoles dans le cadre d’ateliers, de tables rondes, d’installations artistiques, de performances, de projections de films et d’expositions itinérantes

This "Art, Community and Environment" project enables four young female artists - some of whom have already taken part in previous editions of Nomadix - to meet local artists, community leaders, residents and volunteer trainees through workshops, panel discussions, art installations, performances, film screenings and travelling exhibitions. Participants are invited to express their inner artistic selves and present their works of art to the community.

Thanks to the active participation of pagodas and schools at each stage of their tour, the travelling quartet - artists Sao Srey Mao, Neak Sophal, Mech Sereyroth and Prak Dalin - are currently preparing to hold their second and third workshops, respectively in Kratie province (on 12 July at the Wat Manhjak Thmor Kre pagoda, in collaboration with the Thane Ke Nigh school) and in the Stung Treng region (on 15 July at the Preah Ko temple, in the commune of Thale Boravei).

The results of these exchanges between communities and art will then be presented at two major exhibitions, one in Kampong Cham province on 30 November 2024, and the other in Phnom Penh from 21 February to 3 March 2025.

The exhibitions will also include educational workshops with interactive sessions where participants can learn about artistic techniques and discover art as a tool for raising environmental awareness.

Source: Anicca Foundation


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