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Cambodia & History: The failed plan to overthrow the Khmers touges government

Writer's picture: Pheng Pong-Rasy Pheng Pong-Rasy

By: Pheng Pong-Rasy Prey Veng Documentation Center

Under Pol Pot's rule during the Democratic Kampuchea era, a number of Khmer Rouge cadres from the eastern region were arrested, interrogated, tortured, and killed for participating in a shadowy plot to overthrow the government of Democratic Kampuchea.

Pol Pot. Photo DC Cam
Pol Pot. Photo DC Cam

So Yan (So Phim), Chan Chakry, Chhouk alias Men, Mon alias Keo Samnang, Sophan, and Ly Phean were key figures in creating the revolutionary treason movement in the East.

After Cambodia gained independence from France in late 1953, the activities of So Yan, also known as Sophim, Soos Na, also known as Chhouk, also known as Men, Chan Chakrei, also known as Men, and Keo Samnang, also known as Mon, also known as Sithon, emerged through their membership in the Khmer Free Movement, led by Son Ngoc Thanh.

After the coup that overthrew Prince Norodom Sihanouk on March 18, 1970, and the following years until the day they were arrested by the organization and placed in S-21. All of the names above held top positions in the Khmer Liberation Movement and the Democratic Kampuchea regime in the Eastern Region. Sophim was the Secretary of the Eastern Region (committed suicide in 1978). Keo Samnang, alias Mon (arrested and killed in 1977), was the deputy chairman of the Eastern Military District.

Chan Chakrei (arrested and killed in May 1976), was the secretary of Division 170 and the secretary of the Central Division after the Khmer Rouge's victory. Sophan (arrested in 1976) was the battalion secretary of Division 170 and Ly Phin (arrested in 1976) was the assistant chief of staff of the Eastern Region Political Committee.

Sophan and Li Pen's answers showed that although Sophim was the leader in the revolutionary treasonous activities, he was subordinated to him by other senior cadres such as Suos Na, also known as Chhouk, Keo Samnang, also known as Mon, and Chan Chakrei, also known as Mean, requested that he remain as the highest cadre, representing the loyalty of all the Eastern Regional Committees to the revolutionary organization led by Pol Pot.

According to the confessions and history of treasonous activities of Chan Chakrei, Chhouk, Sophan, Ly Phen, and Keo Samnang, they revealed plans to betray the party on many occasions and from meetings with Vietnamese parties that were not related to Sophim. Despite this, Sophim was still suspected of plotting to overthrow Democratic Kampuchea and was sought by the organization until the day he committed suicide in mid-1978.

Since the victory of April 17, 1975, the revolutionary betrayal plan of the Eastern Region has continued to strengthen more and more amongst the Khmer Rouge cadres and the local population. This strengthening was seen through secret planning meetings, internal reinforcements, sabotage, and contacts with external parties (Vietnam). Since Chan Chakrei was the secretary of the 170th Central Division based in Phnom Penh after April 1975, he had many opportunities to make external contacts and plan treason. From the day of victory until the day he was arrested by the organization on May 10, 1976, Chakri ordered cadres under his command to carry out three subversive plans: The first time, he ordered his cadres to fire guns at the School of Fine Arts in Phnom Penh in October 1975. The second time, he ordered Chak Yun to tell Yim Sambath to throw bombs behind the Royal Palace fence. And the third time, ordering a leaflet distribution event in region 25 of the Southwest. These three events led the revolutionary organization to launch an investigation, track down, and arrest more than 160 people involved, interrogating, torturing, and killing them. After the S-21 interrogation unit interrogated them, Duch and Son Sen had clear evidence that Chan Chakrei was the mastermind behind those plans. Chan Chakri was finally arrested and taken to S-21 on May 10, 1976, about a month after the bomb explosion behind the Royal Palace.

Suos Na, also known as Chhouk, also known as Men, was the secretary of region 24 of the Eastern Region. Chhouk was another key figure who planned the strategy to overthrow the government of Democratic Kampuchea. Since the Khmer Rouge's victory, Chhouk has held many meetings to discuss plans for treacherous strategies, gather additional forces, and seek cooperation from outside parties to achieve the goal of overthrowing the Khmer Rouge government in 1976.

Of the two main tasks that Chhouk undertook (developing a strategy and seeking cooperation from external parties), only one was unsuccessful. That was seeking cooperation from the Vietnamese side. Kim Sut reported that after at least two meetings with Vietnam, accompanied by the provision of hundreds of kilograms of gold, millions of dollars in funds, and hundreds of watches, to the Vietnamese side in exchange for helping to fight for state power from the revolutionary organization. The Vietnamese refused to take part in this plan. The Vietnamese argued that their country was facing a border crisis with China. In the end, Chhouk announced that he and his superior, Sophim, had prepared their own strategic plan. On May 13, 1976, Keo Samnang and Sophan discussed with Chhouk the new plan that Chhouk had recently discussed and agreed upon with Soyan, alias Sophim. Chhouk called this new plan a plan that is based on a stance of complete independence and self-reliance. Chhouk expressed his view that, "If this plan is implemented, the underlying trajectory will create a regime like the American regime, without having to go through a better regime like Vietnam." At the same time, Chhouk complained about the difficulty in communicating with outside forces, and he was ultimately happy to jointly develop a strategy to seize state power from the revolutionary organization. This strategy relied on existing internal forces such as Chan Chakry, Chhouk, Keo Samnang, and Ly Phen. According to Chhouk and Sophim's new strategic plan, these components have the following main roles and responsibilities:

  • Chakri had to use his special forces to track down Brother No. 1 and Brother No. 2 from early March 1976 onwards, in order to seize the opportunity to arrest these two brothers and, if possible, to arrest important members of the Party Central Committee. The best time to catch these two is at home at night. If you can't catch them at night, catch them in the morning when they're getting ready for work or when they're coming back from work. If you can't catch them at home, catch them during any meeting that both brothers are invited to attend, such as a meeting or anniversary celebration, military deployment, or an economic opening meeting. The suggestion is to catch these two brothers so that the plan can be implemented further. So it seems that Chakri's special strength is a signal for other forces to explode. This means that once Chakri's special forces capture Brother No. 1 and Brother No. 2, Friend Chakri must order Division No. 1 and Division No. 2 to attack and take over the entire city of Phnom Penh. At the same time, immediately report by air phone or telegram to me (Chhouk), Friend Mon, and Friend Phan. Then, quickly lead forces to seize the radio station and announce:

“The situation in the country has changed. Therefore, the three major state organizations must be temporarily dissolved: the State Presidency, the National Assembly Presidency, and the Council of Ministers. As for military units, any units without orders must remain silent and lay down their arms. If you see another unit approaching, hand over your weapons. Any individual or unit that does otherwise will be held accountable.”
  • As for Comrade Mon, after receiving the report from Comrade Chakri, he must order the 3rd Division to cross the river, move towards occupying Area 25 and beyond to the southwest. If requested by Phnom Penh, he must also prepare forces to help Phnom Penh. At the same time, the navy and artillery corps were ordered to be ready to help Phnom Penh. In addition, Mit Mon also had the right to use the troops of regions 23, 24, and 22 as support or transport forces.

This plan has not yet been implemented. Chan Chakrei, who was a key figure in the capture of Phnom Penh, was arrested by the organization before this plan was announced to the group. A large number of members of the treason group were subsequently arrested by the organization, and secret plans related to the overthrow of the government were also confessed. Suos, also known as Chhouk, was later arrested by the organization in August 1976 and placed in S-21. Chhouk was interrogated several times by the department's interrogation unit regarding the plot to overthrow the revolution.

Document D16644, which consists of 571 pages, is said to be Chhouk's eighth confession. Another key member, Keo Samnang, also known as Mon, was also arrested and killed by the organization during the 1977 Sophim Rebellion in Kang Meas District, Kampong Cham Province. Besides Chhouk, Mon, Chan Chakrei, Sophan, and Ly Phean, there were many other cadres in the traitorous line who were also purged by the revolutionary organization.

Based on some documents I have read regarding the planning of the revolution; the above statement is just part of the plan to overthrow the Khmer Rouge government. There are many other documents, especially confession documents, that reveal plans to betray the revolution through the creation of various events, such as the intention to destroy medical supplies, weapons, and other equipment. In addition, some other documents reveal the Khmer Rouge's intention to hinder the country's development through sexual coercion and violation of people's rights to life in order to establish a new regime other than the communist regime led by Pol Pot.


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