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Cambodia & Destination: Igloos and greenery along the Gulf of Thailand

Opened a few months ago, the Prince Island Hotel's igloos - tents in the Prey Nup commune of Preah Sihanouk - are attracting a growing number of tourists looking for something different.

Igloos and greenery along the Gulf of Thailand
Igloos and greenery along the Gulf of Thailand

Part of the vast Golden Silver Gulf tourism project - an initiative by Yeejia Tourism Development Co Ltd, a subsidiary of the Chinese company Unite International Investment Group Co Ltd - aimed at turning Ream into a mid- to high-end tourist destination just a few kilometres from the provincial capital Sihanoukville, this new village has been built on the same hill overlooking the sea and housing the first buildings of the hotel that opened in 2015.

Igloos and greenery along the Gulf of Thailand

These igloo-style accommodations have the merit of being original, offering very pleasant comfort and, best of all, offering an absolutely splendid and relaxing view of the sea through a transparent front wall, with a terrace overlooking the shoreline by just a few metres. All this surrounded by nearby gardens and the mountains just a few dozen metres away.

Very comfortable interior with a breathtaking view
Very comfortable interior with a breathtaking view

The igloos are air-conditioned, with excellent bedding, an elegant bathroom and Wi-Fi connection, not to mention a TV screen. These last two options work chaotically due to the vegetation and climate. In fact, in very bad weather, the wifi barely works.

No matter, the appeal of this accommodation lies essentially in its proximity to the sea, which offers splendid views, whether the weather is sunny or even stormy. The latter is quite a spectacular experience, with the sea roaring, the waves huge and the spray reaching the terrace.

The Gulf of Thailand just a few metres away...
The Gulf of Thailand just a few metres away...

Little has changed on the beach since our last visit in 2021. The beach is large and well-maintained, and access to the island of Koh Sampouch just opposite is free for hotel guests. Kayaks and padels are available but, given the weather, it was not possible to test the equipment, only to find out the price: $5 an hour, whatever the craft.

Kayaks and padels are available
Kayaks and padels are available

As for the only communal restaurant located very close to the main beach, the menus on offer are mainly Asian, with Cambodian, Thai and Chinese dishes. The staff are apparently not very well trained in reception and service methods and speak very little English, but go out of their way to serve customers properly. Plenty of fresh seafood and fish, as well as the option of ordering your own barbecue. Price: around $10 to $15 for a rather hearty meal with fresh produce.

The hotel offers a mixed breakfast - Asian and continental - with a minimal but sufficient buffet.

You can order and prepare your own barbecue
You can order and prepare your own barbecue

The hotel also has a swimming pool overlooking the gardens and shoreline. A pleasant place, but quickly overpopulated and noisy when crowded. There is also a supermarket, which should be avoided unless really needed, as prices are double or triple those in the capital.

A few small traditional Cambodian merchants offer cheaper alternatives 5 metres away, with drinks, snacks and grilled meats, as well as the company of a few macaques as a bonus - but be careful around them...

A few macaques, friendly but a little thieving and sometimes aggressive
A few macaques, friendly but a little thieving and sometimes aggressive

Clearly, a short break in this original hotel - despite a few drawbacks, notably a beach that's almost overrun and therefore noisy on Sundays, because it's so busy - is an experience that's well worth having. Staying in these igloos offers a real harmony with nature - what a pleasure to fall asleep with the sound of the waves just a few metres away!

As for the budget, expect to pay from $70 per night and an average of $10 per meal. Given the setting and the opportunities for walking and the environment, this is still reasonable.

Part of the hotel park
Part of the hotel park


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