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200 brightest young entrepreneurs converge at Khmer Enterprise’s “UnipreneurCamp Cluster 2”

On 21 July 2024, the second iteration of the UnipreneurCamp Cluster 2 commenced, bringing together 200 of the most promising young entrepreneurs from seven universities, including the American University of Phnom Penh.

This follows the success of the inaugural UnipreneurCamp Cluster 1, which saw the participation of students from the same seven universities.

The second iteration of this three-day event was once again hosted at the American University of Phnom Penh (AUPP) and brought together 200 aspiring student entrepreneurs from nine universities, including BELTEI International University (BELTEI IU), Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT), and Cambodian Mekong University (CMU).

The event was held at a number of universities across the capital city, including the Institute for International Studies and Public Policy (IISPP), National University of Management (NUM), Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), Tux Global Institute (TGI), CAMED Business School and Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia (PUC).

In a favourable entrepreneurial environment, there is a constant process of generating new ideas, nurturing existing ones and identifying potential innovations. The programme allows students to gain insight into the potential of innovations as a source of future creativity.

“This work contributes to the development of human capital, which aligns with the Pentagonal Strategy of the Royal Government of Cambodia," stated Chhieng Vanmunin, Delegate of the Royal Government and CEO of Khmer Enterprise.

Rusydi Khairul, the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Reactor School, observed that the energy and enthusiasm of these young innovators is truly inspiring. "By extending our university collaborations, we have been able to convene a more heterogeneous cohort of students, facilitating the cross-fertilisation of ideas and enhancing the potential for collective action."

The participants were divided into 40 teams, each of which was tasked with addressing a diverse array of real-world challenges in order to develop innovative solutions. The practical training and guidance provided enabled them to conceptualise their business ideas, refine their presentation skills and gain a more profound comprehension of the most effective entrepreneurial practices.

The pitches not only demonstrated the participants' entrepreneurial abilities but also revealed the considerable talent and potential present within Phnom Penh's academic institutions.

The success of UnipreneurCamp Cluster 2 builds upon the momentum generated by the inaugural cluster. As the programme continues to evolve, Khmer Enterprise remains dedicated to fully realising the potential of Cambodia's young innovators and propelling the country's innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem forward.


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